Congrats To The Graduates! Our 9th Cohort

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On Saturday, our ninth cohort of participants became graduates. After 12 weeks, our alumni learned not only the tricks of the trade, but also what it takes to build a successful living-wage career in production. We celebrated their transformation, and the extra effort many of those we serve demonstrate just to show up. Once again, it was a day of triumph, of tears, of hugs and of accomplishment.


To date, this group has already secured over 282 days of work amounting to over $62,000 in earned wages - not to mention seeding endless opportunities for future work.


A big thanks to all of our volunteers and mentors who helped shaped the success of our graduates this season. And to our partners in production who help our participants find their first jobs: we are so grateful. 


This summer, we are gearing up to receive applications for our Fall cohort (our TENTH!) of participants. If you know an organization or an individual that would be interested in filling out an application - you can visit us online